

I’m starting a new job tomorrow, and a friend asked me three questions about how I was feeling about this seemingly huge step. She asked: 1.       A. Are you excited about the job? 2.       B. What is it going to cost you? 3.      C. Do you know your boundary lines for the job? Now the questions seem simple enough and the first two I knew I had dealt with or at least understood enough to already be dealing with it. So let me give you first a background about why I'm writing about this job. For the past 10 years, I have been somewhat idle as pertains work. I mean I had a something doing, but it wasn’t anything that required much of my brain power. It didn’t have opportunities to network neither did it afford a room for growth or otherwise. Why did I stay? prior to that job, i worked in a law firm for 2 years with 2 amazing partners that really pushed me. They gave me assignments I knew nothing about and drove me to find them out for myself and they would scold me (no
RELIGION: CHURCH OF THE GOVERNMENT, BY THE GOVERNMENT AND FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Religion is a scam. God is not Like history lessons marred with the writers opinions and experiences,  the religious leaders and preache r s have learnt to tell a narrative that suits their purpose , they manipulate the the truth and with the help of the government, keep the people in a loop of false hope and false faith, to believe in the impossible while taking from them all they have. It is like a drug, that is hope, and more often than not, our religious leaders, our preachers, the ones we run to for prayer, and counsel are the suppliers and the government their dealer. Let me tell you what I mean. There are over 16,000 churches in Nigeria of 36 states, and over 10,000 mosques.   Statistics show that there are over 78 million Christians in Nigeria and over 77 million Muslims in Nigeria, totaling over 155 million religious minded people in Nigeria out of 200 million citizens spread across 36 states and yet


‘You know, you need to reschedule that meeting with Mr. Lakunle tomorrow for 1pm’ Chioma spoke as she drove. I was huddled on my side looking out and not paying attention to what she was saying. There was heavy traffic today, I was feeling claustrophobic, I'd had a terrible day and I needed to lie down in my room, on my bed. Alone. ‘Babe, are you even listening to me?’ Chioma asked. When she realized I was ignoring her she turned up the volume of the music; she couldn’t be bothered with me. I looked out the window into the traffic, watching people in other cars and imagining what was going on in their lives. My gaze fell on a very yellow and really beautiful woman driving a black Hummer and looking very confused. I decided to start there.                                  ******* Lana was determined not to cry. She tried changing stations to find a song that would lift her mood. If only this blasted traffic would just move so that she could get home. She fou