
Showing posts from July, 2022


‘You know, you need to reschedule that meeting with Mr. Lakunle tomorrow for 1pm’ Chioma spoke as she drove. I was huddled on my side looking out and not paying attention to what she was saying. There was heavy traffic today, I was feeling claustrophobic, I'd had a terrible day and I needed to lie down in my room, on my bed. Alone. ‘Babe, are you even listening to me?’ Chioma asked. When she realized I was ignoring her she turned up the volume of the music; she couldn’t be bothered with me. I looked out the window into the traffic, watching people in other cars and imagining what was going on in their lives. My gaze fell on a very yellow and really beautiful woman driving a black Hummer and looking very confused. I decided to start there.                                  ******* Lana was determined not to cry. She tried changing stations to find a song that would lift her mood. If only this blasted traffic would just move so that she could get home. She fou